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ADVANCE EXCEL 2010  with Farmula , Excel Tips and Tricks.


Duration: 100 MB

Complete List of Tutorials for Excel

1. Converting, Auto sum
2. Vlookup
3. Choose, Index, Match
4. Count if, Sum if, Average if
5. Rank, Median, Average
6. Date, Weekday, Workday
7. Array and Frequency
8. Data Extract Left Right
9. Concatenate, Replace, Substitute
10. PMT, FV
11. Is Function
12. Offset, Data Extract
Excel Formula - Tips and Tricks
1. Count, Count blank, Count if
2. Dated if, Average, Abs
3. Edate, Length
4. Powers, Ran between
5. Repeat, Find
6. Roman, Small
7. Round, Fixed
8. Sum product, Large, And
9. Time, Trim, Year